Nynäshamn Bötet Barley Wine (25 cl bottle) 9,1%
This beer was released as a temporary addition at Systembolaget in the beginning of Marsch. There are still plenty of bottles left for those that want to buy a couple of bottles.
Style: Barley Wine
Appearance: 4/5
Smell: 8/10
Strong smell of wood, malt, caramell and also wineous almost like porter. Some alcohol as well.
Taste: 8/10
Sweet with allot of malt, sugar, hops, fruits and wine.Taste: 8/10
Mouthfeel: 5/5
A very nice Barley Wine that reminds me a bit of Bigfoot Barley wine although with less hops and lighter body. It might have been a bit to sweet though, but it might improve over time. I'm going to buy another bottle and store for at least a year to see what I think.Something worth mentioning is the 25 cl bottle that just feels perfect for this kind of beer. I wouldn't mind similar bottles in the future.
Last time I rated this I gave it a 3,6/5, but that was on tap and a couple of years back. So this time I gave it a slightly higher score:
Total: 4,1/5
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