This beer was released at Systembolaget on the 24th of March and is now part of the permanent supply. It's a belgian wheat beer with strawberry juice. According to the pamphlet I got with the bottle it's real fruit juice and no essences where used while making this beer.
Style: Fruit Beer
Cost: 14,90 SEK
Appearance: 3/5
Hazy red-orange liquid with a small pink foam that left no lacing.
Smell: 5/10
Very sweet smell of strawberries and fruit candy.
Taste: 5/10
Strawberries, rasberries. Very sweet and thirst quenching.
Mouthfeel: 4/5
Smooth mouthfeel with a medium body and low carbonation.
I'm not sure how to rate this beer or if I should even call it a beer. I know that is a comment allot of people have with lambics and similar beers. Then I just smile at them but this time I'm the one asking the question: Is this beer? Well it is, it's just the fruit juice that is throwing me off. It basically smells and taste like a very good soft drink. Very fruity and sweet, but it has a thicker body and a deeper more complex flavour compared to a soft drink.
Even though I don't give the highest score to this, I actually believe I will buy more bottles in the future. It's extremely easy to drink and very thirst quenching. Would consider it with a dessert or even just sitting on the porch on a hot summer day.
Concerning suitable food companions it's obvious this is a dessert beer. The pamphlet suggests vanilla ice cream or using it as an ingredient in a sorbet. Both sounds very nice and I'm actually willing to try them out. I also have a feeling this would work very well with chocolate. Possibly not the fantastic combo that kriek and chocolate is, but it should be close enough.
Total: 2,7/5
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