Bashah is short for: Black As Shit Hoppy As Hell. It was brewed at BrewDog together with Stone Brewing Co. They describe the beer as a Black Belgian Style Double India Pale Ale which of course gets my imagination started.
Style: American Strong Ale
Cost: 38,40 SEK
Appearance: 4/5
It poured a pitch black liquid with a medium sized light brown foam that left a nice lacing.
Smell: 7/10
Actually not as strong as I expected. But it smelled of chocolate, yeast, hops and wood.
Taste: 8/10
The taste was allot stronger with chocolate, coffee, hops and some roasted notes. It had a high hop bitterness but not allot of hop aroma. The hops might have been hidden by the strong coffee-chocolate-roasted aromas.
Mouthfeel: 4/5
Thick body with a low carbonation. Fairly smooth and nice mouth feel.
Trying to put my expectations on the side I have to say this was an enjoyable beer. I tried it with some chocolate and it was a very good match. Well I used a high quality (70%) chocolate bar with cherries and chilli, which felt like the perfect match for this beer.
Total: 3,8/5
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