This beer was released on the 1st of March at Systembolaget and is still available in many stores across the country.
It was originally created by mistake when a batch of the breweries Aventinus Doppelbock froze and they tried the concentrated liquid. The brewery has since then recreated the "mistake" in a controlled fashion.
Style: Eisbock
Cost: 31,90 SEK
Appearance: 4/5
Dark hazy brown liquid with a medium sized dirty white foam.
Smell: 8/10
Strong smell of foam bananas and booze.
Taste: 8/10
Foam banana, fresh bananas and vanilla. Fairly sweet and with a noticeable alcoholic profile.
Mouthfeel: 5/5
Thick body, smooth mouthfeel and alcoholic warmth.
Wow! A very thick, intense, complex and high alcoholic wheat beer. I tried a Franzizkaner on the side and it tasted like water in comparison. It had allot of bananas but not only foam bananas, also some fresh bananas.
I usually prefer my wheat beers during hot summer days but this beer feels to strong for that. It might work well with certain cheeses, but I also believe this could work as an aperitif, possible coupled with a dessert. Unfortunately I didn't have any sweets to try it with at the time.
A very interesting beer that I wouldn't mind trying again. Curious on how this will evolve over time I will save a bottle for later.
Total: 4,2/5
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