Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Beers on the train

When we took the train to Enköping last saturday I brought two bottles of beer with me and Per brought some sandwhiches. The sandwhich was really nice with some nice high quality blue cheese and beer sausage.

The sandwhich.

It poured a hazy golden liquid with a big foam that left allot of lacing. The smell was fresh with a hint of citrus. It tasted sweet and malty. Very fresh and easy to drink but a bit to bland to get a better score. I can definitely see myself drinking this on a spanish beach though.
Total: 2,9/5

It poured a clear golden liquid with a nice big bubbly foam, which left big chunks of foam on the side of the glass. The smell was very weak. The taste was maly with a dry bitterness and a warm alcoholic finnish. At the end it had a hint of sour apples which tickled the top of my mouth.
Total: 3,2/5


  1. You have 'Snakes on a plane', then you have 'Beers on a train'.

    My guess is it wouldn't be a much better film than the first one...

    But beer is nice practically anywhere :)

  2. haha, atleast we wouldn't have samuel fucking l fucked up jacksson going around "THERE IS MOTHER FUCKING SNAKES ON THIS MOTHER FUCKING TRAIN". So just with that alternation it would be a huge success.

    Btw, i'm not quite happy with the review of the sandwich, so here's mine:

    The Sandwich 0.2%
    It revealed itself as a sandwich. With the brown texture that somewhat reminded me on the growth on my grandfathers back. The smell was strong and cheesy. I could sense the smell of garlic comming from the salami. The bread tasted like old socks and had the same texture.
    3.4 out of 5 on an overall scale.

  3. If Sam Jackson said that there where beer on the train I would have given it 5/5 :D

    Hhahaa and you never even tasted it ;)

  4. No, i know ^^ Though, i wanted a full review so i made up my own ;)
