Monday, May 4, 2009

Butterflies and lager, part 2

We tried some more beers during saturday.

This was the last bottle I had out of 12 I got from my father a while back. All of them had been better then I expected.

The taste was sweet and alcoholic with some weird tone which didn't feel right. Had it gone bad? However once I tried it, it wasn't to bad. It had a lean taste of bread and malt with an alcoholic finish. The weird smell draws down the point a bit but I have feeling this would have tested better a couple of months ago.
Total: 1,7/5

It had a strong (compared to other lagers during the test) smell of malt and hops. It had a smooth taste with a low-medium bitterness. Noticable hops and malt taste with some bread in the background. Very nice lager, best of the day.
Total: 2,4/5

It poured a yellow liquid with small bits floating around in it. Had a small foam that dissapeared fast and left no lacing. The smell was sweet with hints of honey. The taste was malty and sweet with an odd aftertaste. Had this gone bad?
Total: 1,7/5

As with Spaten this also had small bits floating around in it. It had a weak smell with a hint towards something sweet. It tasted watery and bland with an odd aftertaste. Had this gone bad? It sure didn't taste right.
Total: 1,6/5

My personal lesson of the day: Don't let lagers hang around to long. In the future I will drink them as soon as I get home from Systembolaget.

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