Friday, June 19, 2009

Midsummer, part 1

It's midsummers today so me and Karin went to Smedby in Upplands-Väsby to watch the traditional celebration. We came just in time to see them raise the pole and dance around it. Quite interesting to watch. We also visited the viking village nearby, which was buzzing with acitivity.
A folk dance organisation organised the event.

And they brought some music as well. It wasn't Metal town, but it fit very well with the event. ;)

Lots of people joined in on the dance, about double the amount ended up dancing. I tried to push Karin into it, but she said something about forgetting here dance shoes.

At the viking village there was a market.

The blacksmiths where hard at work.

You could also bake your own viking bread and then cook it over an open fire.

You then got some butter and honey to use with the bread. It tasted really nice.

Now I'm gonna crack open a beer. Later on we plan to eat midsumers dinner containing different kinds of fish and shrimps. But more about the food and drink in the next one.


  1. they are dancing around the pole, like in this piccie "lol"

  2. ps: i was at a beer and food festival today. it was awesome. even tho i dont like beer. i drank something that tasted like cider and white wine and maybe beer? yayy.

  3. Haha yeah it looked something like that pic. Although with allot more people and there where a bunch of gnomes in the mix ;)

    Nice! My guess is you tried some kind of belgian beer. Do you remember the name?

  4. haha, gnomes. :P

    i dont remember the name. but luckily, my friend does. ^^
    It's called strongbow. :)

  5. Aha Strongbow is an English cider, you can get it at Systembolaget if you ever cross the border ;)

  6. cool. I'm going too Sweden in a week or two, or tree, so I'll be sure too pick it up. ^^
