Sunday, July 26, 2009

Frövi Blues and Rock, part 1

I wrote this on Friday:

I’m currently in Frövi visiting some friends and family. Last night was spent trying out beers and visiting the Blues festival. Yesterday it was Rock-Thursday and also drug free so they didn’t sell any beer. We finally managed to drag ourselves away from the beer and walked in the rain down to the festival. I was surprised to find somewhere between 100-200 people listening to the music, Bonafide was playing and they made a good performance. We actually ended up staying for the whole show and then bought their album. I also bought an elk kebab. Can’t visit the Blues festival without it ;)

When they finished the last song we walked back to my parents place and tried some more beer. I’m going to cover the beer in a separate article. But to give a quick summary, we started out trying some Latvian beer, and then went on to trying a couple of beers that Chrille had brought with him. We also tried all the home brewed beer we had on tap, 5 in total, including the experimental brews.

Now I need to go wake Niklas up, that lazy bastard.

Bonafide on stage.

Alfie, Niklas and Chrille enjoying some beer.

Me and my father having some Blues Bitter.

Alfie and Roger... no wait...


  1. Yowza! Haircut and lost a pound or two by the looks of it. Come to Norway for some awesome spooning, you sexy devil, you :P

  2. I'm not lazy! Bastard prehaps but thats a different story!

    Can't wait to read the rest of this mate, had a really nice time this weekend! :D

  3. Clock: Haha! If I lost any pounds I probably gained it again eating what seems to have been 237 elk kebabs ;)

    Nicklas: Hehe my bad, you are a sleepy bastard. Even slept through me banging on the door and screaming the magic calling word: Beer.

    Writing the last part now, then got about 6 articles about the beers we tried.
