Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time for changes

It's a new year and I have been writing allot more actively on this blog then I originally intended. So it feels like it's time to improve the blog a bit. Here are a couple of things I'm looking at:

Beer reviews
I've been thinking about making some changes to the way I review beer. I'm not entirely satisfied and want to make them easier to glance through and read the parts that are interesting. I have a layout that I like but I feel restricted in the way blogspot works. But I'm trying to make some adjustments to see what I get, so from now on you might see some odd reviews and layouts.

I want to make some improvements on the layout of the site, not sure how much can be done with blogspot but I will experiment when I get time. So far I haven't really spent much time with it.

My choice to switch to english was more controversial then I first thought. I've gotten lots of comments about it and I have a feeling it scares some people away. However I also don't want to exclude my non-swedish friends. But the proportion of foreign visitors have steadily gone down from 20% to 14%. I will stick to english for now and just see what happens. As long as I have friends reading this I might as well keep writing it in english.

I have some projects that I've been wanting to do for a while, but just havent had the time to do so. Hopefully I can put these together in the near future. They include beer-food-combos, map the variety of micro brewed beer and beer testing for beginners.


  1. Google does recommend a blog to be short and updated on daily basis. If there's too much to read, some people just won't read it. :)

    I've noticed that I don't get many replies since my blog is in English too, but people are more than Welcome to reply in Swedish is they so prefer.

    I personally think your layout is good, light and easy on the eye. I wouldn't change it. :)

  2. I agree with Yury, I think the layout is nice =)

    Feel free to ask me if it's anything you wonder about. Maybe it's time to set up a "beer"-database? ;)

  3. Yuru: Yepp that's what I try to do. Or did you mean that my texts are to long?

    Yeah same here, if someone writes in swedish I will respond in swedish.

    Thanks, I have some things I want to improve though. I like the background (possible make it slightly thinner) on my title but I dont like the text on it. Looks very dry and boring, but haven't had time to work on it yet. Also feel like the layout is to narrow and that there is plenty of space on the sides that isn't used to any good. Feels like you have to scroll up and down allot. However it seems that all blogspots sites have this problem so not sure if its fixable. www.beersweden.se is a good example of putting the space to good use. But I think he made that site himself.

    I like the background colour, feels light on the eyes. But I would like to change the font.

    Nicklas: Hehe you and your databases :P Well the idea I had for beer reviews would demand some kind of programming. But I'm changing some stuff around and I think I can make it work with the tools available through blogspot.
