Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why Beer? Part 4

We are getting close to present time now and I guess the next major change was that conversation I had with my soon to be married friend at Glenfiddich warehouse NO 68. He interrupted me in a long series of drivels about beer and said: “Hey you should start a blog and write about beer.” Now I had been thinking I should do something about my passion for a long time. Just haven’t figured out what yet. A blog felt like a great way to do something about it. A couple of weeks later I got fired and got allot of spare time so I figure it was time to get this ball rolling. While I was at it I also started up my Ratebeer account which I hadn’t touched for ages.

Me, my father and brother at SBWF 2008. The lady that poured these beers for us was really friendly and knowledgable and we had a great time trying their beer. At one point we had 9 glasses up at the same time trying cask and bottle versions against each other.

Ever since we went to our first home brewer’s festival, me and my dad have been talking about making our own beer and participating in the competition. As you know we made our first brew from a “ready-to-go-kit” Good Friday (Långfredag) and then expand from that. We have also started planning for next year’s Swedish championship in Home Made Beer. We are currently working on the recipe and will make our two first experimental batches on the 30th of May.

Well now we are pretty much in present time and if you want the rest of this story, just keep following this blog.

I'll see you all at the next festival. Cheers!


  1. Keep up with the good work mate. I know you have a distinctive taste of beer at this stage. Now the long run effects of the malt can not be the best for the male but hey who cares aboout that. Been lost for the past week as I was busy doing things on my own but I keep on following your blog. Think you are doing a great job apart from making me jealous as I'm here stuck with Efes :((( anyway hoping to meet you at a berfest sometime. good luck.

  2. Kursat.
    There are other beers than Efes in Turkey. Even though Efes works very well at the beach.
    Had some Gusta, ,
    in Alanya last year. And also some dark beer with a great coffe tast wich I have forgotten the name on. :-( Must have been to many Efes after that. ;-)

  3. Ahhh Turkey is a beer hell. there is absolutely nothing here. Efes is ok. It is ok but if you are a everyday or a frequent drinker than you eventually start looking for stg else. Well provided that you have a taste in beer and I'm sure you guys do. If you were a beerlover, than I know Turkey wouldn't be your first choice especially if you are married and over 30 :(((( yes the beaches are fine :)))))

    Now the others. Where are they? Can you get them at the shop, or if you do, how much are they? So beer is not only about its taste. It might have things to do with availability, storage, your budget and the morning after?

    The name you had forgotten in "Efes Dark". It is not a stout and the darkness comes as it is brewed with coffee. To me it makes no sense. I didn't recommend it to Stephan neither will recommend it yo tou. However, the Eurpoeans look for something spicy when they visit here (I don't understand why) so Efes Dark might do that. But whatever. God bless you all.

  4. Kursat: Thanks for the compliment :) I've been a bit bussy lately, was on a cruise during the weekend and havent had time to update on the beers I tried. But will do so shortly. I keep following your blog as well. Keep up the good work :)

    Actually I believe we had some dark lager spiced with chocolate... or was that the coffe beer we had? It was a couple of years ago but I seem to remember we had something besides Effes. Anyway I do agree that Turkey isn't blessed with a great range of beers. I guess you got the nice weather and beaches instead ;)

  5. Wow, I feel it's been a while since I've checked out your site now. It's been a while since I've checked out any site, really :P

    I now - with the completion of 'Why beer' - feel like I'm halfway inside your head. When I think about all the talk about spooning, man-sticks and the like, I think I prefer staying outside your head. But I think it's a cool story (cool as in interesting-ish-in-a-good-way) and after my weekend in Brussels I can understand why you enjoy sampling beer.

    I'm nowhere close to your sense of taste and smell (I think), but I know that (thankfully) there are more good beers out there than the very narrow spectrum you find in Norwegian stores. Of course, there's always the Vinmonopol, but it's dead expensive. Internationality FTW ^^

    Anyways, after my wall of text.. Keep it up mate! I enjoy reading your writings :)

  6. Thanks mate. :) I honestly dont think I have a very good palate, but I hope it comes with age and experience. However what I find fun is that taste is individual. For instance, I have a problem drinking regular industrial lagers while others feel they are like liquid candy. For some stouts the preference is the opposite.

    Btw I will probably attend the home made beer festival in Enköping next weekend. Feels like it was ages since the last festival :P
