Thursday, April 30, 2009

Valborg after work beer

I finished work early today due to it being Valborg in Sweden. So me and my work mate Per went to Akkurat for a couple of beers.

Elände - Närke 4%
Draught at Akkurat (Stockholm). It had a nice big dark ice cream looking foam which left allot of lacing. Smelled of smoke and tasted first of smoke and then ham. Had a dry, oily, lean and smooth taste but it was a bit bland and watery at the end. A pretty good porter.
Total: 3,7/4

Draught. It hada clar dark golden liquid with a really nice mountain of foam on the top which left allot of lacing. It smelled of bread and malt. The taste had some bread in it at first but then the grassy hops with hints of grapefruit took over. At the end there was a bitterness that had a bite to it. A very good beer, both me and Per agreed that this was the best we had today.
Total: 4,2/5

Slaap Mutske Bruin 6%
Draught. It poured a dark hazy amber liquid with a creamy foam like ice cream. Smelled sweet of wine and spices. The taste was also sweet and fruity with a hint of spices which I couldn't distinguish. It laked some depth to get a better score. A good beer though.
Total: 3,7/5

Draught. It poured a clear golden liquid with a medium foam. Smelled of grasy hops and some burned grass. The taste also had allot of grassy hops but not to much bitterness. A very fresh beer but a bit to one dimensional to reach a higher score.
Total: 3,5/5

XX Bitter - De Ranke 6,2%
Draught at Akkurat (Stockholm). It poured a semi-hazy golden liquid with a nice ice cream foam, which left an excellent lacing. It smelled very weak with a hint of hops. The taste was dry, fresh and bitter. After rating it on ratebeer I was suprised to find this at the 94th percentile. It was definitely the worst of the five we tried. However not a bad beer but not that great either.
Total: 3,2/5

What all the beers had in common was the excellent foam. Might have something to do with how serious they take beer at Akkurat though. Always have to wait a couple of minutes for each beer to be poured in the right way.

After the beers I went home to have some BBQ with the missus while Per went on a cruise (same as I went on last weekend). I bet he had a good time ;)


  1. Akkurat always got something for the beer geek, no matter what you fancy.

  2. Yeah I love visiting Akkurat. Always fun to talk to the people there and the bartenders are always full of knowledge about the beer. And as you say Bark, there is always something for the beer geek. :)

    Akkurat is my favorite pub, but Monks is starting to grow on me. They are really on the right path and have the edge of brewing their own beer. Well I also have a Monks across the street from work so that is also a pro hehe :D
