Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August news at Systembolaget

I've been trying the new beers that where released at Systembolaget on the first of August. Missing from this post is a couple of bigger bottles that I saved for whenever I get visitors over, Brooklyn-Schneider Hopfen Weisse and Houblon Chouffe. Both are very high rated and I can't wait to open them up.
Valeir Extra (Bottle) 6,5%
It poured a cloudy yellow-brown liquid with a big foam that left allot of lacing.
It had an aroma of yeast, sweet pear and a hint of white wine.
The first thing I noticed was that it was very smooth with a thin body. The flavor was weaker then the aroma. It had a taste of bread, yeast, hint of ripe fruit. A nice beer, very drinkable but nothing special.
Total: 3,6/5
Shipyard Brown Ale (Bottle) 4%
It poured a dark clear brownish liquid with a light brown medium sized foam that left some lacing.

It had an aroma of chocolate, caramell and a hint of something smoked and burned.

It was smooth but a bit thin body, with some chocolate and an alcoholic finish.
Total: 3,3/5

Augusti Månens Premium (Bottle) 4,6%
It poured a clear golden liquid with a medium sized foam that quickly dissapeared and left some lacing.

It had a weak smell of malt and bread.

It was smooth with just a bit stingy bitterness at the end, but yet low bitterness. Had a weak flavor of bread and malt with an alcoholic finish. No bad tastes, but felt like a very average lager.
Total: 1,5/5

Sierra Nevada Bigfoot - Barley Wine Style Ale (Bottle) 9,6%
It poured a clear dark amber liquid with a medium sized foam that left a nice lacing.
It had a very strong smell that I could sense even as I was pouring it. Spicey, with sweet caramell, yeast, malt, hops, citrus and some alcoholic warmth. A very thick aroma.
The first thing I noticed was a very high bitterness and a thick body. It also had some malt. sweet caramell and hops. The alcohol was well hidden and is only revieled by the warmth that spreads in my mouth afterwards. Also leaves a very dry tingly sensation in my mouth. I really enjoyed the high bitterness, a very nice beer.

Total: 4,1/5

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