Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cleaning out the beer storage.

I've been cleaning out the beer storage a little bit at the time. Here are a couple of beers I tried during my vacation:

Anchor Steam Beer (Bottle) 4,8%
It poured a hazy amber liquid with a thick medium sized foam with some craters. It left just a little bit of lacing though.

It had a fresh smell of pine needles and citrus.

It had a medium body with some citrus but also a bit bland. It felt stingy in my mouth. IT feels like it’s lacking something. It got some bitterness but not in a hoppy kind of way, more like overboiled tea. An ok beer.
Total: 2,8/5

Traquair House Ale (Bottle) 7,2%
I've had this beer lying around for quite some time now and I think it might have been a bit to long. It looked great and smelled pretty good as well. But once I tried it I was really dissapointed. It tasted like watered down red wine. Since I have had this beer before I'm fairly certain something has gone wrong while storing it, since I remember it as a quite good beer. So I won't rate it this time, instead hope to get a new bottle soon and re-rate it.

St Peters Cream Stout (Bottle) 6,5%
It poured a pitch black liquid with a big light brown foam that left some lacing. Looked very appealing.

It had a fairly strong smell where chocolate and coffey where the two dominant aromas. It also had a hint of nuts and something burned and toasty.

It was smooth and tasted of chocolate and coffey. It also had a hint of nuts and that burned sensation that I felt in the smell. It wasn't overwhelming though and quite easily drinkable. Very enjoyable beer overall. But it didn't stand out in any special way.
Total: 3,7/5
Black Boss Porter (Bottle) 7%
It poured a pitch black liquid with a big light brown foam. It had some really nice craters in it and when it receded it left quite allot of lacing.

It had a smell of chocolate.

It tasted of dark chocolate and coffey. It was smooth yet dry and didn't feel very complex or balanced. Felt like it was lacking something.
Total: 2,8/5


  1. I can't just help myself from imagening this scenario:

    Stefan -"Hey hun, i'm gonna do some cleaning"
    Karin -"Oh, how nice of you"
    *Cuddles and kisses*

    Stefan -"Hey hun!!" *HICK* "I'm done with the cleaning" *gargle*

    St Peters Stout is really nice anyway, and i really liked it for the color of the foam witch as in the picture really looks appealing. =)

  2. Hahaha! Well I really like this kind of cleaning :)

    Yeah St Peters Stout is really nice, Im happy you enjoyed it.
