Thursday, August 27, 2009

Some vacation beer

I've been re-testing some beers from the standard supply at Systembolaget (Regeringsgatan), just to rate them at ratebeer. Since I've been on vacation I took the opportunity to do some rating.

Jämtlands President Lager (Bottle) 5,2%
It poured a clear golden-yellow liquid with a medium sized foam that lasted a fairly long time for a lager and left a little bit of lacing.

It had a noticable scent of sweet malt, hops, white bread and a hint of citrus and honey.

It tasted of malt, hops and with a hint of citrus and honey. The hops was allot more noticable as the carbonation dissapeared at the end. It was also fairly smooth with just a little bit of acidic bitterness. A very nice lager.
Total: 2,8/5

Jämtlands Postiljon (Bottle) 5,8%
This is an english style Strong Pale Ale.

It poured a very dark amber liquid with a big light brown foam that left a medium amount of lacing. It looked very appealing.

It smelled a bit sour malty if that is even a way of describing it. It also had a scent of something burned and sweet.

It tasted of caramell, malt and with a hint of something sweet and burned. I can't really put my finger on what it tastes like exactly. It was fairly smooth but also left a dry sensation in my mouth.
Total: 3,1/5

Wells Bombardier
(Bottle) 5,2%
It poured a clear dark amber liquid with a medium foam that left a nice big lacing on the side of the glass.

It had a fairly weak scent of caramell, malt, grassy hops, hay and a hint of rosehip.

It tasted of caramell, butter, hay and grassy hops. It also had a quite thick and creamy body with some stingy bitterness. Not very smooth or easy to drink.
Total: 2,8/5

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