Monday, September 21, 2009

SBWF 2009, part 2

After Hantverksbryggeriet we decided to walk to Monks Café. Last year they had a very busy booth at the end of the evening so I thought we should try them early this year. I had also heard that they had allot of their own beers that I hadn't tried yet. Unfortunately they where on bottles and you had to purchase an entire bottle if you wanted to sample it. So we just tried two and then decided against trying any more. 33 cl is just way to much when it comes to sampling like this.

Monks Café Asterix & Obelix (bottle) 5%
This one was brewed by Charles Casino and Menno Olivier from De Molen. It's a dutch medieval beer without hops, instead they used a large amount of dried herbs.
It poured a haxy yellow liquid with a big white foam that left no lacing. It had a spicey smell of citrus, herbs, orange soda and lemon-lime. First taste had lots of carbonation in it, way to much if you ask me and it hid all the other flavours. I had to whirl it around a bit to let some carbo out and then it got better. An interesting beer but one of Monks better brews.
Total: 2,6/5

Monks Café Patagonian IPA
(bottle) 6,9%
An IPA brewed with only cascade hops from Argentina.
It poured a dark golden orange liquid with a small white foam that left a little lacing. It had a fresh smell of grassy hops, citrus and grape. Same with the taste. It had a high bitterness with a stingy mouthfeel and left an acidic feeling in the back of my throuth.
Total: 2,5/5

We also tried these at Monks before deciding to move to another spot:

Ellezelloise Hercule Stout
(tap) 9%
It poured a pitch black liquid with no foam. It was completely odorless or it was just to weak to sense. It tasted watery and boring, very bland. Smooth mouthfeel though. A big dissapointment.
Total: 2,2/5

De Molen Amarillo (tap) 9,2%
It poured a hazy golden orange liquid with a small foam with big bubbles. Had a round smell of hops but it felt old and not fresh at all. Also felt a hint of toilette, maybe it had started to go bad? It tasted of grassy hops with a low-medium bitterness. Ok beer but a bit boring, I expected some more freshness and taste.
Total: 2,8/5