Fairly soon after we arrived they released a suprise beer. Apparently the organizer of the festival had met the brewer from De Molen and he had been impressed by the festival and decided to dedicate a beer to it. I couldn't quite hear the whole story due to bad sound but it was something about a keg being left behind in his back yard.
Bloed, Zweet and Tranen (bottle) 8,1%
It poured a dark liquid with a small light brown foam. It had a smell of something burned and smoke, also some sourness and stingy on the noose. It had a smooth mouhfeel. It had a sweet taste of smoked ham, honey and vanilla. Decent beer but it felt a bit watered down.
Total: 3/5
Just as with last year we made our own Närke Stormaktsporter testing. I think it will be a returning edition to SMÖF for me. Me, my father and Nicklas shared a sample of each bottle: Kaggen Stormaktsporer 2008 and Närke Stormaktsporter 2007 and 2008. I have already rated Kaggen and gave it a 4,9/5, the highest score I have so far given to a beer. But I haven't rated Stormaktsportern even though I have tested it several times. Looks like I didn't take notes this time either so I will leave the proper rating for another day. Great beers though.
All in all a great festival. I tried 76 beers where I think 65 where new to me. I actually didn't have anything interesting left to try at the end, which is a new feeling for me. But I got a chance to re-try some great beers such as Three Floyds Behemoth Barley Wine. The next festival is Örebro Beer and Whisky and I hear allot of interesting brewers and importers are coming.