I made an unexpected visit to Monks Café at Sveavägen today after work. Some of my co-workers where of to some free-booze party and decided to grab a beer before it started. I skipped the party since I got allot of beer drinking planned this weekend and want to stay fresh and alert. But a beer sounded nice. Since I recently noticed that I haven't rated their Orange Ale yet I figured it was time to do so. I tried this beer at the Swedish Championship in Homemade beer when Charles Casino was participating and also tried it just after it was released at Monks. It seems like there are some changes to it over time. At least on the ABV.
(Sorry no pic, I didn't have my camera with me)
Monks Café Orange Ale (tap) 7,1%
It poured a hazy brown-red liquid with a small dirty white foam.
It had a strong smell of yeast, citrus, orange and some nuts. So far so good.
The taste was similar, fairly strong with some yeast, citrus, spices, orange, nuts and something sweet. It had a thick body and was a bit dry. Some stingyness at the end which is quite common in belgian ales, but after warmin it up and releasing some carbonation it got allot smoother and better.
The one thing that holds this beer back is that there is a taste that feels a bit wrong. Not sure what it is but it doesn't mix as well with the other flavours. Almost like combining brushing your teeth and then eating caviar a while later. Maybe it's some bitterness from the oranges. But it's not so bad that the beer gets ruined, it just holds it back a bit. All in all still a good beer.
Total: 3,5/5
Regarding the changes to the beer. I seem to remember the original version that participated in the SC as allot more extreme with allot of orange flavour in it. I also remeber the version I tried at Monks several years ago as allot lighter and smoother. But hard to be precise since it's a couple of years apart if I'm not misstaken.
34 dagar utan öl.
1 day ago
You are truly a sick person who seems to like brush your teeth and eating caviar too much. How on earth can this be a "good" "beer"? Do you like to eat dogshit as well as long it´s served as a steak?