Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pannknektarnas Kaffeporter

My friend Chrille has made his own beer together with Pyrre at Närke Kulturbryggeri. It’s a Coffey porter and I heard that they add the coffey through cold boiling it. Which means that they put the coffey beans in cold water for 24 hours before removing the coffey beans and adding the liquid to the beer. The beer was recently released at Bishops Arms in Örebro so after bottling DBH2 we decided to try it out.

Närke Pannknektarnas Kaffeporter (tap)

It poured a picth black liquid with a creamy light brown foam. It had a strong smell of coffey. It had an extremely smooth and creamy mouthfeel, felt great in my mouth. It tasted of coffey and lots of it, also a hint of chocolate. It had some sweetness but not allot. The body was medium thick. I normally don’t drink coffey but this was quite nice. I can imagine someone who likes coffey would like this.

Total: 3,4/5

While sampling the beer Erika showed up and tipped my father of two De Dolle beers they recently got in. Since my father was driving I tried their Ara bier:

De Dolle Arabier (bottle) 8%

It poured a hazy golden with a very small white foam. It had a strong sweet smell of honey and fruits. It tasted strong with honey, figs, yeast and some sweetness. Lots of carbonation. Nice beer!

Total: 3,6/5


  1. Thanks for the good words about the beer! Im very satisfied about this one! Look forward to release it on Örebro Öl och Whisky in the end of november.

  2. And I look forward to trying it again :)

    I got a review of DBH2 coming up. Hmm I might actually post it before I write about SMÖF. I think you will like it :)

  3. From what i can remember i really liked the beer aswell but after like 3 hours with drinking beer and all the smells from the botteling of DBH2 i really didn't appriciate it as much as i would've done.

    Chrille, is there anywhere in Sthlm that the beer can be found? =)

  4. Nicklas:
    At the moment you cant find it at all. In early december maybe some pubs may have it, but Im not sure.

  5. "Inget skitkaffe"? Det var ju synd, fast det lär ju vara jäkligt gott ändå, bajskaffe eller inte :)

  6. David: Jag fattar ingenting. Hur många öl hade du druckit när du skrev det där?

  7. Hej Stefan! I have just returned from a weekend in Belgium with The Reverend Mark and some other friends. We visited the De Dolle brewery. I brought a box of 20 bottles of Ara home with me. Come over for a few. You might need to be quick though!

  8. Oh nice, I've always wanted to go to Belgium. I'll jump on the next plane ;)

    Btw have you posted any pics online?
