Monday, November 16, 2009

Breznak Svetly Lezak 12

I tried another one of the new beers that where released into the standard supply at Systembolaget during october. This one is a Czech pilsner and the other Czech, Comenius, they released that month was horrible so I didnt have very high expectations.

Breznak Svetly Lezak 12 (bottle) 5,1%
It poured a clear pale yellow-golden liquid with a minimal white foam.

It had a very weak smell of sweet malt.

It was very watery and I could only sense the slightest hint of maltyness. Couldn't find any hops at all and had a very low bitterness. Fairly smooth with a light body. This felt like drinking one of thoose watery american lagers.

It wasn't as bad as Comenius but still not good and I won't drink it again. I wonder what role it's meant to fill at Systembolaget?
Total: 1,8/5


  1. Boring beer! I think I gave it 2/5.

  2. Indeed, both the new czech beers have been pretty bad. To bad since I know there are some great ones.

  3. I actually bought this 2 days ago. I remember that i wrote some notes about it. Something in the line of "old socks" in the aftertaste. If i would rate it, it would be somewhere between 1-2. I drank the bottle, but after the first or second sip i was very close to pouring it out.
