Viktor had his last day at work yesterday before he went back to the university. So me, Per, Lina and Viktor swung by Monks (Sveavägen) on our way home from work.
Me and Per managed to get Viktor to try Struisse Pannepot. I think I really enjoyed it even if it was a bit to much for him. Luckily for me and Per we got a couple of mouthfulls of that great beer.
Well me and Per started out with the new Monks brew they had on tap. Lina and Viktor had a Monks Light Lager.
Monks EPA APA IPA (Draft) 6,1%
It poured a very dark hazy amber liquid. It had a medium foam that left some nice lacing as it receded. It had a fairly week smell of caramell and citrus. It tasted like spruce needles (granbarr), caramell and citrus. Easy to drink with a light body, but also a bit bland and watery. An interesting project but the beer was a bit boring.
Total: 2,6/5
Monks Light Lager (Draft) 5%
It poured a clear pale yellow liquid with a small white foam that left some lacing. It had a smell fairly strong smell of honey and also some malt and bread. It was smooth to drink and had a taste of honey and malt, with a very low bitterness and I couldn't sense any hops at all. However no bad tastes, a pretty nice lager.
Total: 2/5
Then me and Per finished up with two bottles that we bought very much on chance. I wanted an american IPA with lots of hops but couldn't find one that I haven't tried yet so the bartender suggested an IPA from Argentina instead. I also wanted a tasty stout and found one from Goose Island which I hadn't tried yet.
Beagle Roja IPA (Fuerte) (Bottle) 6,6%
It poured a hazy orange golden liquid with a medium foam that left allot of lacing on the side of the glas. It had a very weak smell, I couldn't really distinguish anything and they smell from the kitchen covered anything that might have been there.
When I tasted it I was a bit dissapointed as I expected an american style IPA. Not even sure if this qualifies in any of the IPA styles and I now see that it is supposed to be an amber ale. Anyway, it tasted of honey, some malt and alcohol. It had a very low bitterness and I couldn't sense any hops at all. Quite dissapointed since I expected something else. Neither me or Per enjoyed this one.
Total: 1,8/5
Goose Island Oatmeal Stout (Bottle) 5%
It poured a pitch black liquid with a medium foam that dissapeared fast and didn't leave any lacing. The first thing we noticed when smelling it was an aroma of soy souce, after a while a chocolate and coffey scent took over and was more noticable. It also had a hint of something burned, like toast or similar.
It tasted of coffey, smoked ham, chocolate, butter and burned toast. It wasn't very smooth and felt dry in my mouth. Even though the different tastes sounds nice it felt like it lacked something to bind it all together. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but it felt like a half-finished brew.
Total: 3/5