Top: Hairy Lard Belly (my dad), Little Down Belly (Me), No Hair and Small Club (Roger). Bottom: Ugly Bastard (Martin) and Drunken Beard (Gabriel).
Since I lived in Uppsala our first festival was Belgofesten, a small festival with homebrewed Belgian style beers. It was (and still is) the best festival I have ever visited. Great beers, great people and it was allot of fun talking to all the brewers.
Belgofesten in Uppsala 2007 (Home made belgian style beers). On the picture: Karsten, Martin, Peter (my brother) and me.
Belgofesten 2008. The whole Eriksson family gathered for this one. It looks like I have tried all of the beers already on this picture hehe ;)
We decided we had to go to more of this and two months later we went to the Swedish Championship in home brewing. After that we kept adding more festivals to our yearly calendar. Micro Brewery Festival in Söderbärke. Whiskey festival in Linköping. Wine and cheese festival in Örebro…. and so on… So far we haven’t started brewing ourselves yet but the plans are there as you will soon notice.
Me and my dad at the whisky festival in Linköping 2007. The picture was taken at a Macallan testing. There was some crazy scottish guy on the stage weilding a knife and talking about Macallan. Very interesting :)
I'm still missing pictures from Söderbärke, Örebro Whine and Cheese and the Swedish Championship in Home Brewed Beer, but I will have some more for you later on. Part 4 will be puplished shortly.
(I moved the 2003 Oxford beer festival to 'Why Beer Part 2'.)