Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring time?

It has felt like this winter will never end and that bottle of Oppigårds Spring Ale is starting to grow dust in my fridge. Well today I had a busy day which started with a very interesting job interview. Then I punished myself in the gym, ran a couple of errands and ended with cleaning the apartment. When I was done, I looked out and realized the weather wasn't half bad and I felt I had earned a reward. So I got my beer, a book and took cower from the chilly winds.

Appearance: The beer had a very appealing appearance with a clear golden color and a big foam that left allot of lacing.

Smell: The smell was very strong of hops and a hint of citrus.

Taste: Got a very fresh and bitter taste of grassy hops. The beer has been dry hopped which you really taste as you drink it. I liked this one, the freshness of the hops really appealed to me.

Total 3,7/5

Oh and I almost forgot… I got the job :)

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